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Последний дербендский рассказчик Рафаил Рафаилов, известный в родном городе под прозвищем Тарзан, умер в 1997 году. Вот, одна из его любимых басен.

Мужина э гомишь гуфты: «Ту эджэ варахтэ?». Гомиш гуфты: «Эйло эз сэр мэ». Мужина гуфты: «Мэрэ дэр ту офторои не гирдэй, ту офтори гэ, гушт турэ мэ э куль мэ биём берюм».

Муравей быку сказал: «Ты куда поднимаешься?» Бык ответил: «Уйди с моих глаз (Уйди с моей головы)». Муравей сказал: «Мне-то все равно, но если ты упадешь, твое мясо мне на горбу придется нести».

translation - תרגום-перевод

Sunday, May 8, 2011

הרב יצחק פנגר - השגחה פרטית - נקודה למחשבה

I wanted to share it with the English speakers. American Business man comes to Israel for business. He is hungry and looks for a good eatery to quickly eat and go to his meeting. He stands in line and he is a bit impatient. The guy standing in front of him sees him being in a hurry tells him he can have his spot in the line. he gets his food, goes out walks a few meters away and than a huge blast hurls him down.. That was the terror attack on Sbbaro Pizza. The man was saved. He is able to locate the guy who was injured in the blast and says to his son that if they need anything to call him. After a while he does get a call from the son saying that his father needs a surgery in Boston, the man arranges all for them and asks them to call him as soon as they land so he can personally pick them up. The plane lands at around 6 in the morning and they clear customs a bit later. True to his promise they guy was there.. and he takes them to their destination. But now to the rest of the story...The date the Father and Son landed on was September 11, at 9 -Airplanes crashed into the twin towers around the 90th floor. Who was the American Businessman? well he owned the 101 floor at the twin towers for his business. Was he there that day? No. Here again the Father from Jerusalem SAVED HIS LIFE. This is what we Jews call Hashgacha Pratis -When G-d Arranges things to save our lives. AMAZING STORY! PLEASE SHARE!(from Drora Klement)

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